IACUC:动物护理 & 使用

快速的形式                                                                       政策 & 的指导方针


  • Dr. Erica Kennedy, Psychology, x4742 and
    Dr. Karen Keller, Biology, x4174

Administrative Contact: Office of Sponsored 项目, x7097

1966年的《澳门十大赌城官方网站》(AWA)及其修正案要求所有机构对用于研究和教育的脊椎动物提供人道关怀和治疗. To comply with this federal law, 所有教师, 计划在教学或研究活动中使用活体脊椎动物的教职员工和学生必须事先获得FSU机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)的批准。. This includes the capture, 处理, or other intrusive study of any vertebrate species, 家养的还是野生的, in the field or in the laboratory.

Questions and answers regarding how to obtain approval are detailed below.

Who needs an approved 动物 使用 Protocol (AUP)?

All research or instructional use of live 脊椎动物 by FSU faculty, 工作人员, or students requires the approval of an 动物 使用 Protocol by the IACUC. 在任何动物使用者获得、饲养或使用动物之前,AUP必须得到全面批准.


When should I apply for an 动物 使用 Protocol?

AUP应在动物使用前至少30天提交给赞助项目办公室. 如果IACUC提出了需要申请人解决的问题或担忧,则最好有更多的时间. IACUC在学校法定假期期间不开会或审查协议, winter session (January), 或者在夏天. 因此,如果你需要一个批准的AUP,你必须提前计划,并在学年的活跃部分向委员会提交你的协议表格.


Are there any training requirements?

Anyone who is listed as a PI or Co-PI on the IACUC animal use protocol (AUP), or those who will interact with 脊椎动物 在研究、课堂作业或涉及活体动物事件的校园课外活动中, must submit a certificate of completion 到IACUC IACUC@thestudioentrance.com Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) before an approval will be issued.  

研究人员 will need to complete the ‘研究人员 – Stage 1 – Basic Course’ and 动物 事件协调员 须完成“活体动物活动协调人-第一阶段-基础课程”才能获得此证书. In cases where animals are used in research or class activities, 研究人员 may be required to complete additional training courses for specific areas the IACUC has reviewed the submitted animal use protocol. 

 If you have any trouble accessing the necessary course, please email the IACUC at IACUC@thestudioentrance.com. 


How do I apply for an 动物 使用 Protocol?

A Protocol Form for 使用 of Vertebrate 动物s in Research and Education 动物研究或涉及动物的教育活动必须提交批准. One protocol form must be submitted for each individual (different) project. 填妥的表格可以以电子方式提交给赞助项目办公室, however a signed paper copy must also be submitted. No parts of the form should be deleted. 如果表格上有一个或多个问题不适用于您的工作,请在提供的空白处注明“N/A”. (如果需要额外的空间,请随意在任何问题下添加更多行.) If you have questions about the form please contact the IACUC Chair.


Who are the members of the IACUC?

FSU IACUC, appointed by the President, 监督FSU教师在野外和实验室活动中使用脊椎动物, 工作人员 and students in accord with the 动物 Welfare Act of 1966 及其修正案.This Committee consists of faculty from various colleges and departments at FSU, 与不同的背景,以促进全面和充分的检讨研究和教学活动,通常由院校进行. 他们被任命为委员会成员是因为他们在一个或多个领域具有专门知识. 联邦法规要求该委员会至少由两名个人组成,其中至少有一名兽医, one nonaffiliated member, 一个非科学家. The Office of Sponsored 项目 provides administrative support to the IACUC.


What is the approval process?

每个提交的协议都被分配一个AUP号码,然后转发给IACUC成员, 谁有两个日历周的时间来考虑是否应由全体审议该议定书, 召开委员会. If a full Committee meeting is requested, it is scheduled for the first date the entire Committee is available to meet. If a full Committee review is not requested, the protocol may be approved 后 two Committee members approve it. 委员会成员对AUP的任何意见和问题都由OSP传达给申请人,以便进行必要的修改或澄清,并获得批准. 一旦获得批准, AUP的有效期为3年,但也必须经过较少涉及的年度审查(见下一节)。.

前ics that are considered by Committee members during review include: rationale and purpose of the proposed use of animals; justification of the species and number of animals requested; availability or appropriateness of the use of less-invasive procedures, other species; adequacy of training and experience of personnel in the procedures used; housing and husbandry requirements; appropriate sedation, 镇痛, and anesthesia; unnecessary duplication of experiments; post-procedure care; method of euthanasia and/or disposition of animals.



是的. 联邦法规要求所有动物的使用都要经过持续的审查. Continuing reviews must be conducted at least annually. Therefore each year principal investigators must complete an 年度检讨表格 for every active AUP they have on file with the IACUC. 年度审查的目的是确保在已批准的活动中没有发生可能需要进一步审查的无意变更. 此表格必须在批准的AUP年度到期前至少30天填写并提交给教务长办公室. 因此, if an individual receives approval of their AUP on June 1, 2009, an "年度检讨表格" should be submitted by May 1, 20010 and again by May 1, 2011. If the project is to continue past June 1, 2012, 一份新的“脊椎动物用于研究和教育的协议表”应在5月1日前提交, 2012. Completed forms may be submitted electronically to the OSP, however a signed paper copy must also be submitted. No parts of the form should be deleted. 如果表格上有一个或多个问题不适用于您的工作,请在提供的空白处注明“N/A”. (如果需要额外的空间,请随意在任何问题下添加更多行.) If you have questions about the form please contact the IACUC Chair.


How do I make changes to an approved 动物 使用 Protocol?

一旦获得批准, AUPs can be changed with the IACUC's approval. This is achieved by submitting a request for an AUP amendment. 可能要求修改的例子包括增加新人员或从项目中调离人员, 目前正在使用的动物程序的变化,如麻醉或外科手术程序.

If you require an amendment to your protocol, please forward a memorandum describing the changes requested to the OSP. 在你的备忘录里, 描述所要求的变更的确切性质和变更的理由. Be sure to include any associated information normally requested on the AUP form. 例如, if you are requesting an increase in animal numbers, 请提供增加的理由和动物数量的理由. If you are adding personnel to a project, 请描述他们的培训和经验,他们将执行的程序. 程序或实验目标的重大变化将导致您需要完成新的AUP. Amendment request memoranda should be mailed to the IACUC Chair.



如果你想提前终止一个项目,或者如果一个项目已经完成,你应该提交一个 Notice of Project Termination Form to the OSP within 30 days of termination or completion. Completed forms may be submitted electronically to the OSP, however a signed paper copy must also be submitted. If you have questions about the form please contact the IACUC Chair.


政策 & 的指导方针

动物 Welfare Act at USDA